
Musical Artistry


These songs and pieces of music are a small sampling of my artistic expression. They are neither Christian or non-Christian. In fact, I have not categorised them at all. They are simply art!

Just as a painter has many colours, textures, mediums (ie, various types of paints, pencils, charcoal, etc.) techniques and styles to draw from, as a musical artist, I want to be able to access everything at my disposal, such as genres, styles, rhythms, instruments and so forth. There are so many different musical "sounds" available from all time periods, I have no reason to limit my expression by using only sound that is popular for today and sells records. (I have no desire to be the next great rock star.) To me that would be like a painter who had to limit his palette to only one colour. Further, the more I have in my palette, the more the Holy Spirit can use in any situation.

The following is a collection of a few different works. It is my hope that just like a painting, as you take the time to understand and appreciate each piece it may bring you some enjoyment.


Smell the Roses

This piece was my attempt to tell people to slow down and remember why we do what we do. From a Christian perspective, a "taking a breather" moment is found in "being still" and connecting with God, but for those who don't know the Father and His wonderful Son, Jesus, taking time to reflect and just "be" even for a moment, gives the body time to de-stress, and the mind to rest. Besides, who knows just what God may say when we are taking a moment just to "be".

The song iteself tries to capture the hurriedness of working the daily grind - its frustrations and sense of being trapped. We know we need to take a break and it can be grating when people remind us. Who has time to take time off afterall? However, rather than mindlessly continuing in the grind infinatum, the solution may be as simple as just breathing - a moment of stillness - a step back - a cup of coffee.



Wind Blown

Wind Blown and Rain Storm were both attempts to create an image with music. I remember watching the movie "Twister" and loved the way the movie makers represented the menacing winds by a cascading run of deep notes - rising and falling. It was so well done that I was inspired to try something like this myself. In Wind Blown you can hear the wind storm approach slowly, blowing the wind-chimes aside like someone opening a curtain. A light weight shopping bag is caught momentarily in the wind and begins to dance to & fro until it comes to rest. The wind chimes are heard once again and the wind subsides.

Karen M Gray - Wind Blown .


Rain Storm

Like the piece above, Rain Storm tries to capture the sounds of a short thunderstorm as it rolls over head and travels on. Here in Queensland, we are no strangers to brief strong storms that seem to materialise out of nowhere then disappear as quickly as they appeared, leaving a line of destruction behind them. In Rain Storm, the main elements are the rain as it slowly pitter-patters down, and the thunder which follows as the intensity builds. After the climax is reached, the storm passes over and peeters out.

Karen M Gray - Rain Storm


Racheal's Lament

Rachael's Lament is from a musical I wrote called "Dream Chasers", which was mostly about friendship. Will members of a long standing friendship choose to believe the best about a friend, or revert to negative conclusions fueled by jealousy? Be assured, all ends well, but I hope it asks a question about the things we choose to believe over the people we hold dear.

In this song, Rachael is feeling left behind in love as it has become obvious that her first love is never going to return for her as he promised....or is he?

Karen M Gray - Rachael's Lament



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