
End Times Study


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In creating this page, I realise that many will have their own opinions and will desire to argue their point with me - perhaps even heatedly. However, let me state up front that in putting this presentaion together, I was not considering any one interpretation above another - in fact, I didn't look at any at all, but rather simply looked at John's Revelation as a whole and used Scripture to interpret Scripture. Further, I simply refuse to hang any interpretation on a single verse, unless in doing so there is sufficient Scriptural evidence within the context and original meaning of that verse itself. This means that any verses from Revelation (and other relevant books of the Bible) should not be removed from the context of the "how", the "why" and "to whom" it was written.

My results are such, because that was the conclusion of the research, not because I began with a premise and then tried to fit my ideas to that doctrine.

All I ask, is that as you view the file, you keep an unbiased mind. Nevertheless, I realise some of my presentation will still be contested by ardent believers in one particular school of thought, but to some degree this is as it should be in order for truth to prevail, if honest and open discussion is pursued. For we all see in part, but together we see the whole if we remain teachable. Whatever our interpretations, truth will be revealed as we watch these last days unfold.

Finally, the Bible promises a blessing for those who study this book. Therefore, may you be truly blessed as you peruse this presentation.


Karen M Gray :-)

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